Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management of Organisations Influence of Transformational Leadership

Question: Discuss about the Management of Organisations for Influence of Transformational Leadership. Answer: Nowadays, the organizations are competing hard to survive in the capricious and fierce market environment; but the key determinant for organizational success is motivated and empowered employees. Motivation is an imperative tool that reinforces employees attitude and behaviour towards work and responsibilities and triggers the tendency to achieve the goals and objectives. Working as an HR employee with a 100-year old renowned Germany-based organization having a foothold in digital distribution, digital storage media, data management, customer care, CRM services, financial services, IT services, etc., requires strong motivation, encouragement and inspiration to unleash the creativity, skills and competencies. The prime motivational driver present at the workplace is effective leadership, the leaders and seniors practice transformational leadership which focuses on inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, idealized influence and individualized consideration. The leaders foster close and direct communication along with approachable and open-door work environment which motivate the employees to unbridle the latent ideas, creativity and concepts (Thamrin, 2012). The second motivating factor present in the job is recognition and appreciation system, the seniors have always acknowledged and praised the efforts, struggles, attitude, behaviour, actions and performances of the employees. Applauding in front of the entire team, felicitating with awards and certificates, organizing lunch parties or surprise parties, offering employees a platform to contribute in decision-making, etc. are the creative ways that the seniors and leaders follow to show gratitude and respect. This makes the employees feel contented, charged, inspired and empowered. Personally, constantly being valued and respected for the contributions have always been stimulating and stirring to work harder and better (Helmrich, 2015). The third motivational driver at work is organizational culture/climate, one of the core values of this organization is respect for the individual which is enforced at every level of the organization. The organization is strongly against the three Ds: Disrespecting, demeaning and disgracing the colleagues, juniors, seniors, clients, etc. The organizational climate is always energetic and positive. There prevails an effective transfer of knowledge, processes and resources along with teamwork. This leads to increased job satisfaction and commitment. Though there does not exist any strong demotivating or dispiriting factor, but slight alterations in performance management system could boost up the motivation level of employees and could turn out to be quite prolific for the organization. Since the company is still practicing the traditional performance management system; the managers evaluate the performances annually, which at times turns out to be an event of rewarding the deserving employees and warning the under-performers. Conversion of traditional performance review system into the quarterly performance review could be highly interacting and engrossing. Productive meetings, mentoring and guiding could be quite interesting and encouraging for the employees (Studer, 2010). Secondly, imposing the company-wide goals on the employees and structuring employee evaluations around organizational goals becomes dreary. Connecting the dots method could lift employees to provide the collaborative inputs and opinions for the tasks which would eventually be productive for the organization. This might reinforce the employees efforts and lead to employee engagement (Salvarasu, 2014). Referencs: Thamrin, H.M 2012, The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance, Journal of leadership and management, vol. 3, issue no. 2, pp. 12-22. Helmrich, B 2015, 11 creative ways to show employee appreciation, Viewed 26 July 2016, Studer, S 2010, Turn your performance appraisal system into one that works, Viewed 26 July 2016, Salvarasu, A 2014, A Study of Impact on Performance Appraisal on Employees Engagement in an Organization, International journal of managerial studies and research, Vol. 2, issue no. 11, pp. 10-22.

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